Back 2 School & Connected

September 27 - October 1, 2021

Tell us how you helped your community #GetConnectedEBB

We want to hear from you! Whether you participated in the Back 2 School & Connected week of action or not, we want to hear about your experience spreading awareness of the EBB program and ensuring eligible households know how to enroll.

Please share your stories of success, challenges and lessons learned, and pictures from the Back 2 School & Connected week of action through the form below!

Missed the webinar?

On Monday, September 27, and Tuesday, September 28, partners from the Lifeline Coalition conducted a webinar on the basics of the EBB program and how organizations can engage in the week of action and help get their communities connected.

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here or download the presentation here!


Watch our IG Live with FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel…

In conversation with Angela Siefer, Executive Director of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), and Wanda Davis, Executive Director of the Ashbury Senior Computer Community Center (ASC3)

We still need your help in getting everyone Back 2 School & Connected!

While the week of action may be over, we still have a long way to go to make sure every student and their family has equitable access to fast and affordable internet. See the actions you can take below to help raise awareness in your community!

If you’re a social service, faith, or community-based organization…

  • Flyer or table in your community, local library or YWCA/YMCA (find sample flyers and graphics here)

  • Share information and messaging on your social media—and ask ten of your friends to share as well (find sample social media posts here)

  • Share resources with your network and partners through emails and newsletters (find email templates here)

  • Host a virtual event or webinar about how to sign up for EBB

  • Write a blog post or submit an op-ed to your local newspaper (find template blog posts and op-eds here)

If you represent your local government…

  • Write and submit a press release with information about this program (find template press releases here)

  • Provide flyers to your local social service agencies to distribute (find sample flyers and graphics here)

  • Share messaging on social media and ask your colleagues to do the same (find sample social media posts here)

  • Write and share an op-ed with your local newspaper (find template blog posts and op-eds here)

  • Work with your local school district(s) to create a backpack letter to send home to parents

Looking for the EBB Back 2 School week of action campaign toolkit? Find it here. Note that some elements may be outdate.